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appropriate manner中文

用"appropriate manner"造句"appropriate manner" in a sentence"appropriate manner"怎麼讀


  • 適當的方式


  • Superficial abscesses regardless of cause, can be handled surgically at the proper time and in an appropriate manner .
  • To provide education , outreach and screening in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner
  • Exposes the underlying hardware exception , which allows you to respond in an appropriate manner
  • Is overtime verified in an appropriate manner such as requesting client confirmation of completion
  • The child explores new objects in an age appropriate manner , generally by feeling orr looking
  • After today s experience , we will be able to respond to any outbreak in a more timely and appropriate manner .
  • The reports and recommendations shall be published by the ncc in an appropriate manner and shall be submitted to the legislative yuan for its reference
  • The revised triage system mentioned above ensures that patients of sopcs with urgent medical conditions would be attended to in a timely and appropriate manner
  • The appropriate manner of compiling a list of references is to compile all of the citaions mentioned throughout the essay or report into an alphabetically ordered list at the back of the work
  • Workers should be educated and reminded , not to leave waste material behind concealed area in the house . workers must remove all waste material from the home on completion of their work , and dispose them in appropriate manner
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"appropriate manner"造句  
appropriate manner的中文翻譯,appropriate manner是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯appropriate manner,appropriate manner的中文意思,appropriate manner的中文appropriate manner in Chineseappropriate manner怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。